Berkeley Zellerbach using Cyranos Ithaca using Super Korrigan

Crédit photos: © ROBERT JULIAT

Robert Juliat Followspots Go to the Head of the Class At
UC Berkeley and Ithaca College

The University of California at Berkeley and Ithaca College (NY) have added Robert Juliat Cyrano and Buxie followspot, respectively, to their theatrical lighting inventories.

UC Berkeley has invested in four Cyrano followspot purchased from Musson Theatrical. "They asked for several demos and were excited about the Cyranos," says Musson Theatrical's Dinna Myers. "Robert Juliat is known for high-quality optics in the followspot market – they're rapidly becoming the leader in that sector."

Jeremy Little is an ETCP-certified electrician and master electrician with Cal Performances, the UC Berkeley-based presenting, commissioning and producing organization for world-class music, dance and theater. He recalls working with Cyranos when he toured as a followspot operator. "They were very fun to drive," he says. "The user interface is great, all the controls are centralized, and there is pre-focused lamp control. So they're very easy for the operators to work with day in, day out." When the university needed four matched followspot for its Zellerbach Auditorium, Cyranos were the logical choice.

"We just completed our training for the Cyranos with Robert Juliat," Little reports. "Our big show this season is 'Einstein On The Beach,' which calls for all four followspot. It will put the Cyranos to the test all at once."

Posté: 15th of November, 2012